• Leica camera lenses technical information data
Leica camera lenses technical information data. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica camera lenses technical information data The latest sciemihc knOwleGge, developm stories, highest quality raw materuols, precision testing and traditional LEITZ pride of ochrevemBetter pictures through precision optics WITIM. Modern photographers are especially demanding - that's why the leaders choose LEICA"! lts famous ruggedness, reliability and precision have earned the LEICA an un- matched world-wide reputation for excellence. Always ready for action, this foremost precision camera captures the ”decisive moment“ as easily as it records the finest image detail. With its carefully thought out family of interchangeable LElCA lenses, from the ultra-wideangle 21 mm SUPER- ANGULON to the distance-compressing 400 mm TELYT, the LElCA is unbelievably versatile, enabling the Leica- man to select the focal lenght best suited to his immediate purposes and to create effectivelyindividualphotographs. By varying his shooting distance and selecting the appro- priate lens, the Leicaman can fill his negative with the subiect-matter he wants and at he same time achieve any desired perspective rendition. This flexibility is espe- cially important to the color phorographer since trans- parencies cannot effectively be cropped for projection without a loss of picture impart. More than this, he can rely upon the excellence of LElTZ optics to yield nega- tives and color transparencies of the highest quality. LEICA lenses are highly corrected, especially for color, and are famous for their freedom from vignetting and corner-to-corner sharpness, even at full aperture. Incor- porating the latest high-refractive rare-earth optical glasses (many of which were invented by our own glass research laboratories), and protected against internal reflections by special high-efficiency coatings, LEICA lenses provide real gains in image quality which will be appreciated by expert and beginner alike. The LEICA camera's incredibly accurate focal-plane shutter permits the universal app ication of high-speed and/or long-focus lenses without any loss of efficiency. With high-speed LEICA lenses one can make pictures wherever one can see, without needing to resort to artifical light-sources.

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Leica camera lenses technical information data

  • Brand: Leica
  • Product Code: 3002
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R90.50

Tags: leica, camera, lenses, technical, information, data