Bolex h16 reflex camera instructions for use . Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Bolex h16 reflex camera instructions for useBOLEX 16MM Capacity: 100 ll at 16 mm film with single or double perlo-
rations . . A . . . . A . . . , . A
Powerlul spring motor with high-precision speed governor
(transports approximately 17 lt ol lilm at one lull wind)
Optional electric motor drive . . , . A
Speeds lrom 12 to 64 lrames per second A . . . . . . A
Single-frame release (instantaneous or time exposures)
Continuous runnlng A A A A . - . . . . - . - - A
Footage counter . . A A A A - . . A . A
Frame counters . . . . A A A A . A , . A A
Built-in rewind with hand crank A A . A A
Variable shutter . . . , . . A . . A . A
Automatic lilm loading . A A A A A . A . - A . A
Spool ejection device . . . . A . A . A A
Audible signal of lilm passage . A
Shoe lor lightmeter . . A . . . . . . , . l
Turret tor three interchangeable lenses . . . . . . A - A
Rellex viewfinder with ground-glass locussing . . A
Multllocal viewfinder with parallax correction . A . . . A
-Filterslot. . . A - . . . . . . . . A
Eye-level locus on groundql
Bolex h16 reflex camera instructions for use
- Brand: Bolex
- Product Code: 2903
- Availability: In Stock