• Zeiss ikon vintage camera information book
Zeiss ikon vintage camera information book. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Zeiss ikon vintage camera information bookOur trade mark Q ‘ shows how closely Zciss Ikon is fit fi- '" ‘ associated with the famous op- tical works. ol'Carl Zeiss at Jena. Actually, tho firm of (larl Zciss stood by when the new firm of Zeiss lkon was formed by the amalgamation of (Iontcssa-Nottel, Erncmarm, Coerz, and Ica. and gave the (N)-()])f?l‘£ltho cfl‘orts of the four famous photo- graphic firms its blessing. A wealth of patents and protcctvd rights in all civilised countries of the world was assuer to tho now company on its formation, and since that date the dosignors of the four firms have worked hand in hand with oxluierioncod constructional specialists? to produceNothing could be more simple: Here is the Box Tcngor, a classical example of the simple box camera, with a Frontar lens of fill. The construction and the mechanical strength of this camera are matched so carefully to the lens with which it is equipped that no focussing is ordinarily necessary. Everything between nine feet and infinity is in focus. while for portraits a special built in supplementarylcns is provided. We need say nothing more, except that the Box Tengor is just as simple to handle and use as it is quick to describe. No special knowledge at all is necessary: once the subject has been seen it need only be composed in the view finder and the shutter lever pressed. After that the picture has been recorded permanently.

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Zeiss ikon vintage camera information book

  • R94.00

Tags: zeiss, ikon, vintage, camera, information, book